I saw this picture updated at the sidebar.
Silly worm must be over stress out doing crazy dumb thing.
Wearing fake 7-11 shirt during mid-autumn festival.
Silly,don't worry everything will be fine.
All you need is bit more of confident bit more of courage.
Is your very big day tomorrow.
I'm very proud whatever is it.
Work Hard Work Smart.
A little of fixing and trimming.
It will be wonderful again.
Give out your best shot.
Because You Rock!

Most important self confident.
You don't need to impress others.
Be a proud person who cares how other look at you.
Don't Give It A Damn
Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover.

As a good polite teacher.
I am not teaching art anymore I'm teaching English and Bahasa Malaysia !!
At K.Kemuning Tadika Tunas Riang for 3month before my course start as a part time job.
I need extra $$ for Cny cloths and prezzie for my Mr.worm and of coz not to forget ole-ole Bali treat for my beloved bao as her welcoming home treat!!